Competent and well-balanced.
The Board of Trustees checks Green Cross Switzerland’s projects with regard to factual and cost objectives. The Green Cross Switzerland Board Members all work in voluntary, honorary functions and accordingly receive no remuneration for their work. Its members are:
President of the Board of Trustees
Béatrice G. Lombard-Martin
Founder – “Swiss-Russian Forum” communications expert
“Each human being is a part of this earth, and nature is our most precious property which we must take care of. It is our responsibility to leave our children, and our children’s children, a living planet!”
Members of the Board of Trustees
Tony Burgener
Director Glückskette
Roby Tschopp
M.B.A. Dipl Eng. ETHZ / EPFL
“We have no right to abandon the populations that are affected by man-made environmental disasters. From reckless armament to industrial negligence and economic exploitation – our decisions and our lifestyle encourage ever more extreme risk-taking around the world. For the benefit of future generations, Green Cross is pursuing two objectives: reparation and prevention.”
Board of Trustees

Béatrice G. Lombard-Martin
President of the Board
«Every human being is part of this earth: nature is our most precious asset and we must take care of it. Our responsibility is to leave our children and their children a living planet!»

Tony Burgener
Board Member
«The bright and the dark sides of technology are very close to each other. People must take responsibility for the sustainable use of new technologies. In doing so, they often throw overboard values and principles, such as the principle of proportionality. With their short-term thinking, they put themselves and the environment at risk. Limits must be drawn. For many people, this insight comes too late. They suffer from the serious consequences of man-made disasters. A commitment to these people and a more sustainable development on our planet is the order of the day.»

Philipp Schaller
Board Member
«Man-made disasters have devastating consequences not only for the environment but also for the civilian population. Unfortunately, negative effects linger over the years and those affected face enormous obstacles. Therefore, it is important to promote their personal initiative and create sustainable structures.»