Fast, direct, effective.
The foundation Green Cross Switzerland was established in 1994. Its work is characterised by fast, direct, and effective help to self-help on site. Support is provided in a pragmatic manner, based on scientifically sound approaches, and involving all participants in designing and implementing a solution. A team of 7 full and part-time employees is currently working for Green Cross Switzerland.
Green Cross Switzerland’s projects are monitored by the Board of Trustees with regard to factual and cost objectives. Great importance is attached to education, mediation and scientific arguments in the search for solutions. Aiming at global prevention of ecological risks, such as the destruction of chemical weapons and disasters like Chernobyl, the organisation also closely collaborates with the Green Cross Parliamentary Group.
Green Cross Switzerland is recognised for its professional work. E.g. the Russian chemical troops signed a «Memorandum of Understanding» on March 17, 1997. A further sign of the quality and importance of our work is the granting of UN Status Category 1. Official Green Cross representatives may attend sessions at the UN headquarters in New York as well as at the UN agencies in Vienna and Geneva. In addition, Green Cross has received adviser status in the Council of Europe. Official Green Cross representatives may attend meetings and thus have the possibility of influencing decisions in the Council of Europe.
Green Cross Switzerland has a turnover of several million Swiss francs annually. The efficient use of every single donated franc is guaranteed. The greatest share is directly given to the people and projects on site. Only a small sum is used for administrational purposes. You will find more exact details in our Financial Report which is published annually. (Download Financial Report – in French or in German)
Our financial books are regularly audited by several organisations. The accounting, with which PricewaterhouseCoopers is entrusted, is audited by KPMG Fides Peat. The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and the US Government conduct their own audits of their contributions to Green Cross Switzerland.

We put our heart into our work.


Board of Trustees


